Below you will find the suggested uniforms of the 22nd South
Carolina or the 3rd New Hampshire. Please consider this when you are looking to buy your uniform or purchasing another uniform
to wear. It is always a good thing to have multiple uniforms or combinations of uniforms to wear at reenactments, living history
or other American Civil War events. It is not required for you go out and buy these uniforms, but you are encouraged too.
The 22nd SC and 3rd NH should have the look of an authentic unit when out on the field, in camp or on the march.
And do not think you have to buy these uniforms all at the same
time, take your time and find the best uniforms for the best around.
You can use the link below for a more detailed uniform impression
These Uniform Kits will be great for the up-coming 150th Anniversary
Events from 2011-2015. When considering this please follow the correct time periods:
2010 = 1860
2011 = 1861
2012 = 1862
2013 = 1863
2014 = 1864
2015 = 1865
And if have any questions just ask.
REMEMBER: NO Farbies!!! (Modern gear and or Wal-Mart
22nd So. Carolina Uniform Kits
UNIFORM #1 Early War (late)1860-1861
This uniform is the most broad uniform because of the time frame 1860-1861.
Civilian Frock Coat of any style and Civilian trousers of any pattern. Black and Brown
were popular colors.
Shirts and under garments also are civilian or home-spun patterns. Civilian hats of
any style for your head, Bowlers and Top hats were common.
For your leathers and accoutrements use the color black.
Belt Buckles of Civilian style and can use US Buckles**.
Footwear is civilian, but you can use Brogans.
3-Band rifles like the 1842 Harper's Ferry or Springfield...Smoothbores Only...NO Flintlocks or Shotguns
UNIFORM #2 Middle War; 1862-1863
Jean's Cloth Frock Coat or Charleston Depot Jacket.
Black Trousers or Confederate Grey Jeans Cloth Trousers.
Leathers and Accoutrements still the color black.
English with Snake buckle or SC Buckles.
Headwear would be Military Kepis of either jeans Cloth or Dress patterns.
Footwear would be Black Rough Brogans.
Shirts and Under-garments still civilian or home-spun patterns.
Rifles still the same as Early War, PLUS 1853 Enfield is a great addition...still NO Flirtlocks or Shotguns**.
UNIFORM #3 Late War 1864-1865
A Combination of the above, but more along the Charleston Depot Jacket or you can
use Jeans Cloth Frock.
Confederate Jeans Cloth Trousers or Civilian Wool Trousers of a solid color like a Walnut Brown.
Shirts and Under-garments of Home-spun style.
CS issue Belt Buckles or 'upside-down' US Belt buckles.
Leathers and Accoutrements of black color, but can use Home-spun items.
Footwear CS issue Brogans and can use Civilian shoes.
Headwear of CS issue Kepi of Jeans Cloth or Civilian style headwear.
Any 3-Band rifle is great...NO Flintlocks or Shotguns**.
Additional items of interest...
Your leathers should be black as your haversack as well, but can use White or Home-Spun issue in your Haversack.
CSA any kind. US of period and time frame only (best is Round covered w/ Navy Blue).
Black "ruff" Brogans with heel
And NO pistols of any kind. Only Officers and Approved NCO's can carry side arms.
NO knives
of any kind.
Tents and Camp stuff...
"Lean-To" (One Shelter Half supported by 2 small
poles and twine) "Dog Tent"(2 Shelter Halfs put together) Small "A" Frame or Large "A" Frame tents.
Wall Tents and Flies are to
be use by Officer's or Civilians only. (Items in your tent are up to you, but remember "modern" equipment must be hidden from the
public at all times.)
Wooden Chairs or Stools are a great item to use to relax after drill, marching or a battle.
Small Wooden Tables, but nothing modern.
Wooden Camp or Military Cots or Sleeping
Beds. You can use Air Mattress, but keep it hidden well(Hint: wrap it in a Pillow Tickin Cloth or period blanket.)
Cooking equipment should be of period...NO
modern cooking gear is allowed in sight of public(Hint: Hide Coolers and Food Stores in Wooden Boxes.)
** The reason why you do not need to buy or have a Flintlock
or Shotgun as your weapon is for Safety Reasons. Please do not concider purchasing one of those items.
If you have any questions about uniforms or equipment please e-mail me at
REMEMBER you are responsible for ALL of your uniforms and equipment at events
so purchase wisely. The 22nd SC/3rd NH is not responsible for your equipment in any way.
Tramp Brigade Mess
How to pack a Knapsack & Blanket Roll
How to make a Bed Roll
A Civil War Regiment Camp Lay-Out